Sensible Growth

In the last few years, growth and development in Colorado, and particularly the Front Range, have been substantial. As Boulder grows, housing and affordability are on everyone’s mind. With dramatically increasing housing prices, in-city housing is closed off to large segments of the population who work here.

With steadily increasing numbers of transplants, families are unable to find housing in Boulder, and several public schools are in danger of closing. For this reason, I see an important focus on affordability for a diverse population: lower income and middle/working class families, people of color, seniors, and young people. Let’s reimagine old shopping centers, parking lots, unused urban spaces and locations on our transit corridors as vibrant neighborhoods with a mix of housing, neighborhood-serving retail, green space, trees, and a high walkability score. The East Boulder Sub-Community plan will be an opportunity to add needed housing diversity.

I believe there should be more attention to zoning and design principles that will appeal to current and future residents. Let’s develop with a vision towards the future.